Aquaus 360° Diaper Sprayer


New Ergonomic Design Makes Rinsing Cloth Diapers Easy!

Introducing the New & Improved, Aquaus 360° Diaper Sprayer with thumb pressure controls on both sides the sprayer.

Thumb pressure controls allow you to easily adjust the spray pressure as you rinse messy cloth diapers, preventing splattering and overspray. Spray pressure can also be set to any level while rinsing, making the sprayer very comfortable to hold and maneuver. Spray pattern is designed to easily rinse the messiest diapers with the greatest of ease.

  • Made in the USA
  • 3-Year Warranty
  • NSF Tested & Certified Diaper Sprayer
  • Easy Installation

 Available in two options:

a) Patented ABS Polymer Sprayer or
b) Brass Sprayer (5 year warranty from Aquaus )

Made In The USA 

The Aquaus 360° Diaper Sprayer is Made in the USA with domestic and global components. Domestic production, testing, assembly and packaging ensures that you are receiving the highest quality products. High quality plumbing code compliant components do cost a little more, but are well worth the additional amount knowing you’re installing the highest quality and most reliable plumbing products in your home.